Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pizza Epiphany

For about 7-8 years I've been declaring to anyone that would listen that the best pizza I've ever eaten was Totonno's on Coney Island, NY. I probably even blogged about it, it was so good.

Well, I'm about to commit pizza blasphemy and lose my pizza cred with this post. So here goes...

The best pizza I've ever eaten is no longer in NYC. It's in Fairburn GA at a shop called Oz Pizza. They get their impossibly thin crust so right. I can't even explain it.

Now that's out of the way, I will say this. I haven't had a good pizza in NY in a while. But I'm pretty sure when I do, I'll be back to saying the best pizza is in NY again and the order of the universe will be restored. But until then, if you're in the Atlanta area, you can get a delicious slice at Oz Pizza (they have 3 locations).

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