Saturday, January 26, 2008

Can You Tell Me Where Platform Nine and Three Quarters Is?

We made it back from Sapa early this morning. It's nice to finally get out of the damp cold. We took 2 walking tours during our stay, visiting the local tribes and seeing the way they live. I was looking for some souvenirs of our stay and ended up buying the head scarves straight off the girls' heads. We also walked upwards towards a peak where we would have an opportunity for some great landscape photos, but it is so foggy in Sa Pa, we have to settle for postcards.

Joe felt ill the second day there. Upset stomach, nausea, loss of appetite. We agree it wasn't the food because we've been eating the same things and I feel fine, myself. So he must be homesick for warm, dry weather and a shower that he can fit in. Also, he's been so paranoid that the food will make him sick, I think the paranoia has worn him out. He feels better today but very tired and weak since he hadn't eaten all day yesterday.

The train ride in and out of Sa Pa was interesting. Too bad we travelled at night and couldn't really see the countryside. But the ride was something different. It wasn't one of those Amtrak trains. The train we rode in was one of those old timey trains with compartments and a beverage cart. I had a feeling the railway system is government owned, as the carriages (and especially the bathrooms) were a little bit scary and old.

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